Hi Arch community,

Arch Linux (archboot creation tool) 2010.02-1, "2k10-R1" has been released.


- kernel / LTS kernel
- pacman 3.3.3 usage
- RAM recommendations: 288 MB

Kernel changes:
- new firewire stack in >=2.6.32.x

Removed features:
- dropped lowmem images
- dropped klibc

Environment changes:
- LTS kernel support
- added KMS / uvesafb support
- Adopted recent udev and initscript changes
- Boot messages rewrite and parameter documentation
- New documentation, including all start parameters
- New wireless firmware files added
  (iwl-1000,6000, ar9170-fw, rt2870usb-fw)

hwdetect changes:
- kms / uvesafb integration
- use load-modules script from udev

setup changes:
- internal sysfs and blkid changes
- KMS / uvesafb integration
- Kernel installation switch (install at least booted kernel)
- use wipefs for cleaning luks disks/partitions

quickinst changes:
- adopted LTS setup changes to quickinst script

- FTP installation mode:
  - Package installation might fail, if packages from extra need to be pulled in, e.g. ntfs-3g etc.
    Exit setup and apply following  sed line: 
    sed -e -i 's#prepare_pacman_extra#pacman_conf_extra#g' /arch/setup
    Relaunch setup after that. 
- CD installation mode:
  - None ;)

Hybrid image file is provided, which include
i686 and x86_64 core repository. Please check md5sum before using it.

Hybrid image file is a standard CD-burnable image and also a raw disk image.
    - Can be burned to CD(RW) media using most CD-burning utilities.
    - Can be raw-written to a drive using 'dd' or similar utilities.
      This method is intended for use with USB thumb drives.

- removed files from mirrors on 21th may 2010, please use a newer iso image.

Further documentation can be found on-disk and on the wiki.
Have fun!
